
Centre of Excellence and Professional Register of Mindfulness Teachers
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Resource Centre for All Mindfulness Teachers
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Ethical Practice and Guidance for all Mindfulness Teachers
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Mindfulness Teacher Register | Diverse group

Welcome to the UK's largest Professional  body & Register of Accredited Teachers of Mindfulness

The Mindfulness Teachers Association (MTA) Register is a free professional register, and community of accredited teachers of mindfulness. The MTA register is open to all teachers of mindfulness worldwide who have a recognised, externally accredited qualification in mindfulness teaching. As the largest professional body and register in the UK, the MTA is commited to improving and upholding high professional standards within our community alongside promoting high ethical and inclusive evidence-based secular mindfulness teaching throughout the UK and worldwide.

Code of Conduct | Mindfulness Teachers Register

Professional Standards

Mindfulness teachers who are included in this register are bound by a strict code of ethical and professional practice.

Mindfulness Teacher Register | Video conferencing support

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Professional MTA approved CPD and supervision is available via The UK College of Mindfulness Meditation on an individual basis or as a group.

Mindfulness Teacher Register | Registration process

Register as a Mindfulness Teacher

Applications for registration are accepted entirely at the discretion of the register moderators, who’s decision is final.

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