Ethical and Professional Code

Ethical and Professional Code

Mindfulness Teacher Register | Code of conduct

Uphold Professional Standards

Mindfulness teachers who are included in the MTA register are bound by a strict code of ethical and professional practice. They agree to uphold the professional standards including:

  • Assessing the suitability of participants, giving accurate advice, and referring potential participants for consultation with their specialist health provider, where appropriate
  • Only teaching on the basis of an externally accredited mindfulness teaching qualification
  • Treating participants at all times with consideration, respect, dignity, compassion and kindness
  • Refraining from abusing the trust of their professional relationship with participants
  • Maintaining reflective practice in conjunction with professional supervision
  • Maintaining their own on-going professional development
  • Observing ethical and legal boundaries concerning confidentiality and making participants aware of such boundaries
  • Maintaining professional indemnity and public liability insurance.

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